High-Stakes Testing

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In the article, “Relationships Between High-Stake Testing and Student achievement,” a study was conducted to compare high-stakes testing results and the effects of including demographics. The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 stated that all public schools establish performance based accountability through standardized tests (Swanson & Chaplin, 2003). The ultimate goal of NCLB is to have all students in public schools become proficient in 2014 (J & Paulson, 2006). The study compared student’s test scores from public schools before and after schools implemented high-stakes testing. The study then compared the effects of including demographics. The article collected data from previously conducted studies that compared school districts…show more content…
A student may not be able to read the test or understand the questions, but they will be expected to perform at the same level as a student who can. The pressure students feel will definitely affect their test scores. My sister is a first grade teacher in an inner city school; she recalls many of her colleagues expressing concern regarding their non proficient English students and their ability to successfully take standardized exams. Many of the students would become so frustrated they would begin to cry and eventually give up. I do not think it is right that students are exposed to this type of pressure and stress. There are so many influences that affect the results of high-stakes testing. NCLB should not expect all students to perform their best on a particular day and definitely should not expect students who can not comprehend the test to perform…show more content…
They should not all be expected to be proficient on the same standardized test. Teachers should be able to provide evidence that their students are making educational gains. However, tests should be based on the student’s knowledge and level of education. Many people are quick to blame the teachers and feel they should be held accountable for students not achieving proficiency. It is important to me to become more knowledgeable regarding education events so I can defend my profession. “The National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education expects institutions to assess fairness and the belief that all students can learn” (National Council for Accrediation of Teacher Education, 2010). I believe the intensions of Race-to-the-Top are optimistic that our education system will benefit form the changes if and when they are put in place. Work Cited J, M. G., & Paulson, S. E. (2006). Relationships between High-Stakes Testing Policies and Student Achievement after Controlling for Demographic Factors in Aggregated Data. Education Policy Analysis Archives Volume 14 Number 30 , 1-

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