Her Story Of Women's Suffrage Analysis

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History 201 Professor Studebaker “Her-Story of Women’s Suffrage” Makyla Pittman Imagine living a life filled with all forms of discrimination where you have no voice in the government under which you live and in the equality of social life where you are a chief factor. It is a difficult scenario to visualize and before the 19th century that was the reality of a women’s position in this world. With limited access, a young wife and mother was expected to manage a household, train her children, keep her friends and sustain the affections of her husband. In a world filled with patriarchal constraints women were forced to fall back on their instinctive resources of common sense, wisdom, diplomacy and knowledge of human nature. Education, employment, and politics are all barriers where women were held back from the full development of their faculties. In the 19th century women were denied political equality, robbed of their natural rights, and handicapped by laws and customs at every turn. Trained to dependence with no assets of their own women were left to bear the attitude of being less intelligent and able to make political decisions than men. While they have freely accepted a deferential position to men they have also refused to look toward a future of tradition and domesticity. The campaign for women’s suffrage had a sincere beginning…show more content…
This meeting was the revolutionary beginning of women’s suffrage and paved the way for the 19th amendment, also known as the Susan B. Anthony amendment. The origin of Susan B. Anthony's single-minded dedication to the cause of women’s suffrage was the grand narrative for the start of the women’s movement and the passage of the 19th Amendment. But did Anthony’s fear of competition and egocentric approach reduce the roles and contributions of definite women in
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