Health Care Spending In The United States

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Health Care Spending HCS/440 February 19, 2012 Bruce Nave Health Care Spending The national health care spending in the United States has outgrown the national income and growth spending. The United Stats spends much more per capita on health care than any other country. Both private and public health expenditures are growing at high rates compared to other countries. Even though the United States spends more on health care, does not mean the United States achieve better outcomes on many important health measures. The subject discussed in this paper will show the level of the current national health care expenditures and whether or not the spending is too much or not enough? The subject in the paper also discuss where the nation should…show more content…
Health care spending will grow at a rate of 6.7 per year from 2007 to 2017, and economic growth will slow to an average rate of 4.7%. The combination of these two factors will push the health care spending to 4.3 trillion by 2017 which will equal 20% of the country’s gross domestic product. The United States spends too much on health care. Researcher found that excessive spending comes from defensive medicine, such as redundant or unnecessary test and procedures, inefficient health care administration and the cost of care necessitated by conditions such as obesity. Inefficiencies in the health care system are: Behavior, clinical, and operational. Behavioral consists of the behavior of an individual, which may lead to health problems with no opportunity for early nonmedical intervention. With clinical the medical care is inappropriate, overused, misused, and underused. Clinical also can be overt errors leading to quality problems for the patient and missed opportunities for early intervention. In operational the business processes appearing to add cost without creating value. The United States health care system is overcome with excessive spending in administrative expenses, such as poor management and appropriate care. The excessive spending in administrative cost contributes to the rising cost of health care premiums. The United States is spending too much for health care because of…show more content…
In dealing with health care spending, The United States should think private and public. The public part should decide how much health care should b e available to everyone (universal coverage). The decision to have universal coverage is political, which requires weighing the benefits of additional care against extra cost of taxes. The private part should be much the same way as private decisions about any other form of investment or consumption. The role of new medical technology will be a primary source of both improvements in health and increasing expenditures. That is why the health care system must avoid an innovation policy that cuts off new interventions because some interventions that are not cost-effective may prove to be in the future. New drugs, new devices, new imaging techniques, and new surgical procedures have had a huge impact on health care expenditures in the past and probably will in the future (New England Journal of Medicine,

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