Hatshepsut Essay

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Evaluate Hatshepsut’s Justifications for Becoming King Hatshepsut’s reign in Ancient Egypt came about through a variety of factors, which are the cause of contemporary debate. Firstly, she emphasised details of her own divine birth and filial relationship to Amun, a popular deity in the 18th Dynasty to bolster her religious claim to the throne. By alluding to this ancient doctrine, she sought to justify her right to rule in light of her theological genealogy and bloodline, in line with concurrent contextual importance on the bloodline of the pharaoh. Secondly, Hatshepsut aspired to tie herself to her father Thutmose I in the Coronation reliefs, to ascertain the necessary royal titles. Her claims however, are deemed as dubious due to a lack of evidence, and are counterposed by the fact that for Thutmose I to appoint her, he would have had to neglect traditional patriarchal protocol when anointing his future heir. Finally, Hatshepsut’s role as wife and daughter of deceased pharaohs gave her the necessary experience, knowledge and duty to rule to stabilise the Dynasty and rule of Thutmose III. Hatshepsut stepped up to stabilise the nation and Dynasty due to personal experience and ambition, and religious justifications were required for this kingship to occur. Hatshepsut’s position as both the daughter of Thutmose I and alleged daughter of Amun led to the idea that she had a stronger claim to the throne then Thutmose III. Amun-re was the most highly lauded God in Egypt during the 18th dynasty, due to the Hyksos’ removal being attributed to Amun. Amun was the Patron of Thebes, the city of origin to the founders of the 18th dynasty and deity of the state cult. Consequently, all stories and accounts of divine birth had to be associated with Amun. This claim of Divine Birth was

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