Hatha Yoga Essay

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Hatha Yoga Professor Kroptez Hatha Yoga Hatha, literally translates into sun, and moon (ha) sun (tha) moon. According to some practitioners, the origins of Hatha yoga dates back to the 15th century. Scholars refer to a treatise or publication known as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, where some elements of Hatha yoga are indicated. Hatha yoga was a specific type of yoga activity that, in earlier times, prepared participants for meditating for a very long time. Hatha yoga is sometimes called a "dual" type of yoga because it includes a duality between two opposites: the sun (in Hinda, "ha") and the moon ("tha"). Some who practice Hatha yoga call it a "yoking" yoga as it joins these two opposites together. This main established principle for Hatha yoga leads to specific structured poses and other activities that help with body and mind "purification" through Hatha yoga includes the concept of multiple "limbs" or areas of the yoga practice. Where some common yoga forms such as Ashtanga yoga are built on eight limbs, Hatha yoga, according to experts, is often based on six, each of which represent a critical component of the whole, whether it has to do with readying the mind for meditation, controlling breathing or focusing on another particular task .h principles like asana (postures), pranayama (subtle energy control) and more. Traditional hatha yoga is a holistic yogic path, including disciplines, postures (asana), purification procedures (shatkriya), gestures (mudra), breathing (pranayama), and meditation. The hatha yoga predominantly practiced in the West consists of mostly asanas understood as physical exercises. It is also recognized as a stress-reducing practice. Those who take the time to study this ancient yoga art understand that there are some specific benefits of becoming adept at practicing Hatha yoga style. One of the main ones stems from one of the pillars
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