Harmony Of Art And Music

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Harmony of Art and Music The relationship between art and music has been a very influential part of our Earth’s history. As early as ancient Greece, musicians and artists have been using art to depict and advance music and vice versa, depicting our ever-changing society and how it has progressed to the present day. In this paper, I will be discussing some influential pieces of art, music, and the people who create them and how they have impacted our knowledge of perceiving the arts. Though there is no evidence of recorded notation in music or even how music sounded before the Middle Ages, there are many artifacts of music being used in ancient cultures. In Ancient Greece, one technique people used to record their history was by painting on a ceramic amphora. An amphora is a type of vase-shaped ceramic container with two handles. Besides used as a storage jar, artists would also paint on these containers depicting stories in their culture. This image above is known as Orpheus Playing the Lyra. In this painting, there are four male figures surrounding one person playing an instrument known as a lyra. A lyra is a type of stringed instrument that is plucked by the musician’s fingers. Besides the painting being black and tan in color, there is plenty of detail used, especially in the men’s clothing. The middle person’s robe is made to look as if it is wrinkled through wavy lines streaking down his clothing. The two men to the right of the painting look as if they are important figures because of their head-dresses and even the positions of their bodies. The man right of the musicians looks as if he is judging the musician’s playing by holding his head on his hand in deep thought and his right foot mounted on the musician’s seat. This painting is truly a beautiful piece of artwork, giving us a glimpse of life in the time of Ancient Greece. A couple
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