Hamlets Tragic Flaw

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Due to his indecisiveness on making key decisions, Hamlet suffers from the tragic flaw of procrastination. Hamlet procrastinated with his revenge of his father’s death, prioritizing his love for Ophelia, and his decisions on deciding to make the kill. Hamlet was procrastinating with his revenge of his father’s death because he was too indecisive on when and how he was going to do it also whether or not the ghost was right. Prioritizing his love for Ophelia, Hamlet did not show his love to Ophelia until she was just a cold, dead corpse being put 6 feet under. Finally Hamlet had the perfect opportunity to get his revenge and yet again his indecisiveness is getting the best of him. Hamlet was procrastinating with his revenge of his father’s death because he was too indecisive on when and how he was going to do it also whether or not the ghost was right. He was over thinking everything and worrying if it was his father’s ghost or not. Hamlet was questioned, “Be thou a spirit of health or goblin damn’d, / Bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell, / Be thy intents wicked or charitable, / Thou com’st in such a questionable shape” (1.4. 40-43). He should think the ghost is right because of the unusual events with his father’s passing and his mother’s hasty remarriage to his uncle; accused of killing his father, the king, by the ghost. Yet he questions that it may be a demon coming with intentions of wicked proportions. Prioritizing his love for Ophelia, Hamlet did not show his love to Ophelia until she was just a cold, dead corpse being put 6 feet under. Throughout the play Hamlet has not shown any affection or true love towards Ophelia and has put her off. When Hamlet finally figures out that Ophelia is dead he saw Laertes publicly displaying his grief and questions why is his grief more than his own. Hamlet praises, “What is he whose grief/ Bears such

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