How Important Is Revenge As a Motivating Factor In

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While we cannot dispute that Prince Hamlet is driven by revenge for the murder of his father, we must also acknowledge that there are different motivating factors which drive other main characters in ‘Hamlet’. At the beginning of the play King Hamlet is the only character who wants revenge, but this changes when we meet Prince Hamlet and his mother and uncle are already married. Prince Fortinbras tries to claim back his father’s land, which he believes is rightfully his. The land was lost in a legal compact between the two kings, of King Hamlet; this is an indication of the nature of their sovereignty. “Our valiant Hamlet, did slay this Fortinbras, who by sealed a compact…did forfeit all those lands.” The audience see Fortinbras as a brave hero. Horatio is also a key character in the play. He is a member of Hamlet’s royal court and has not moved to Claudius, this shows he is loyal to Prince Hamlet. We learn that Polonius has moved court for his own status and position of importance and self protection. Before we meet Prince Hamlet, Horatio makes us believe that he is a very courageous and brave man. “Unto young Hamlet; for upon my life, this spirit, dumb to us, will speak to him”. However, when we meet him he’s depressed and is still mourning the death of his father. “Good Hamlet, cast thy nighted colour off, and let thine eye look like a friend on Denmark” When Prince Hamlet meets the Ghost we find out he wants revenge against Claudius. Prince Hamlet seems keen to avenge his father’s death, but throughout the narrative we see Hamlet hesitate to kill Claudius, he may be finding it hard as Claudius is the King and also a relative. The Ghost says he’s going to suffer in Purgatory until Prince Hamlet avenges his death by killing Claudius, as the way he died he didn’t have a chance to confess his sins, so he would go to heaven. “Doomed for a certain
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