Hamlet's Feminine Issues

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The influence Hamlet’s past has on his actions is apparent in everything he does. His father’s death has left him with ill feelings towards his mother and uncle. His mother’s remarriage to his uncle makes Hamlet skeptical about women and their roles in the life of men. Ophelia’s betrayal only furthers Hamlet’s conviction that women destroy the very essence of men. Hamlet’s feminine issues highly motivate the majority of his actions. Hamlet’s feminine issues only slightly motivate his actions in acts one. He starts off his place in act one scene two by telling the king that he is “a little more than kin and a little less than kind.” Hamlet is referring to the fact that his uncle has just married his mother only two months after his father passes away. However, this small encounter is not enough to truly judge Hamlet and his feelings towards women. Later in the scene, he has a soliloquy in which he says, “frailty, thy name is woman!” Hamlet views his mother’s frailty, or faults due to weakness especially of a moral character, as something that all women have. While Hamlet is upset with his mother’s swift decision to marry his uncle, he resolves that “but break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue,” or not speak even though it will break his heart to not let his mother know how he feels. In act one scene five, Hamlet discusses what happened to his father with what he believes to be his father’s ghost. The ghost tells him to “let not the royal bed of Denmark be a couch for luxury and damned incest. But, howsomever thou pursues this act, taint not thy mind nor let thy soul contrive against thy mother aught.” The ghost tells Hamlet not to take revenge on his mother but to focus his revenge on his uncle because it is his uncle that killed his father not his mother. Hamlet vows to seek revenge upon his uncle for his father’s death when he says, “Now to my word: ‘Adieu,

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