Hamlet Corruption and Death

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An Analytical Review of corruption's ability to induce death and mortality In Hamlet For centuries, humanity has been intrigued by the profound discussion about death and the undefined inevitable state of mortality it presents. Death is often foreseen as the separation between the soul or spiritual being, and the biological compound of the human body. Factors which cause death can derive from the gradual onset of natural physical deterioration of the surrounding anatomy and mental capacity, much like the progressive evolution of corruption in a diseased state. Vulnerability can also lead to exterior instances of mortal exacerbation such as murder, suicide and accidental killings that are caused by a third party. In the play Hamlet, Shakespeare uses the theme of corruption to metaphorically represent the deterioration of each Character’s physiological well being and state of mind when exposed to corruption that ends in death. The theme of corruption plays a role by instating the traits of death and mortality within each of the characters, both by choice and from exterior occurrences. Through the portrayal of Hamlet, a man who is obsessed with death, Shakespeare uses this obsession to explore both Hamlet's desire for revenge and his need for certainty when corruption disrupts the natural balance of order in his kingdom. In the process, Hamlet explores the many hardships that are bestowed upon him in order to reflect on the many characteristics that are associated with the exposure to corruption which lead to mortality. Hamlet becomes obsessed with the idea of death within the play, and as the story unfolds further, he begins to analyze death from multiple perspectives than ever before. Corruption becomes the ultimate form of mortality which effects not only Hamlet’s sense of being, but also corrupts everyone around him. This form of corruption is reflected
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