Granma Little Tree Essay

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Discussion Questions Pages 99 - 122 1. Granma does little things to show Little Tree that she loves him. When cooking fritters, how does Granma demonstrate her love? She intentionally added sugar to the fritters. Making LT think that it was by accident; because she knows that LT like it. 2. Page 101 has an example of personification in it. Who is Mon-o-lah & what does she do in the spring? Mon-o-lah is mother nature. Spring is one of the four seasons that marks the transition from winter into summer. During spring, as summer approaches, the length of day light is longer, allowing higher temperatures. Therefore, this phenomenon creates excellent conditions for growing and renewal of planet life. And, in the novel this process…show more content…
somebody loves you __b_ red cardinal d. good luck __c_ turtledove e. if you die, this bird will remember you __d_ mourning dove f. peace and good dreams at night 6. Why are there so many birds around the mountains and hollows near Granpa and Granma’s cabin? Little Tree has a theory on p. 107. Birds, just like everything else, know if you like them. If you do, then they will come all aroung you. 7. In this section of the book, Little Tree has a very close call, but it is Granpa who comes near to dying. What happens to put Granpa in danger? Grandpa an LT were fishing at the creek at noon time. Them, Grandpa put his hand between an snake and LT saving him from the snake. Unfortunately, GP in the act was bitten by the snake. 8. Little Tree runs off to find help. a. Who comes to the rescue and what is her creative solution to this life-threatening…show more content…
b. What is Granpa doing during during this time? He was laying on the grown, while experimenting the delirium effects caused by poison. 9. Little Tree learned a lot about Granpa during that night he and Granma stayed out in the woods taking care of Granpa. What did Little Tree learn? Name at least 3 things: 1. He learned how to cure a snake bite. 2. How much GP loved him. 3. To make quick decision during an emergency. And, look for help. 4. Some GP stories when he was a boy in the mountains. 10. We learn about an extremely poor family that lived in a falling-down old house in the valley. a. Who all live in the house? 1. A woman 2. Two girls. 3. An old black man 4. An legged man. b. Any theories about why they were so poor? First, They didn’t know how to farm. Second, they were people with disabilities: old, sick and handicapped. A weak woman and two girls under bad nutrition effect. So, they couldn’t produce a high amount of crop for selling. And, this happened during the Great Depression. 11. The family ends up with a rather unusual friend. a. Who is this friend? A union

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