German Expressionism Essay

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"German Expressionist Films pushed German films back into cinema screens in Europe and America because of their artistic value" German Expressionist films pushed the boundaries for the films in that period of time. After the first World War, Germany was trying to restructure their government whilst at the same time trying to set a new name for themselves. During this time the government injected a large amount of capital into the state-funded company UFA which stood for "Universum Film AG". The UFA controlled all or most of the cinematic output and distribution. One of the main aims of the German government of doing this is to try to reclaim Germany's place in the movie world. The films of German expressionism was prevalent in the 1920's. During this period gave birth to some of the most iconic films of that time. 'The Cabinet of Dr Caligari' by Robert Weiner in 1920, 'Nosferatu' by F.W. Murnau in 1922, the legendary 'Metropolis' by Fritz Lang in 1927 and 'Sunrise' by F.W. Munrau in 1927. Just to name a few. These films were known for their influence on modern films. Nosferatu and Sunrise are known as the iconic and enduring figure of horror films. They single-handedly set the bar for all modern horror films today. The Cabinet of Dr Caligari has been interpreted as a political metaphor for the way that the new German government is suppressing the voices of the German people and using them to their advantage by using them to do things that are in the best interest of the government. But the writer Robert Weiner had to change the ending of the film to avoid the film being not deemed suitable for distribution. German Expressionism is a cultural movement that is challenging to define as it is not distinguished by a singular style or method of creation, but rather is better described by both the mindset of the artist creating
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