To What Extent Was Stresemann Responsible for the Increased Stability in Germany in 1924-29?

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To what extent was Stresemann responsible for the increased stability in Germany in 1924-29? The increased stability in Germany during the years of 1924-1929 was due to Gustav Stresemann's policies. I will be reflecting on the reasons that suggest he was responsible for this. Before Stresemann came into power German enconomy was in the air. As the chancellor in 1923 he led Germany out of the hyperinflation crisis and as the foreign minister, he ended Germany's isolation amongst the international community and helped the country to become a magnet for foreign investment. Stresemann was admired by some, reviled by others. In September 1923 when the Germans were unable to pay reperations to France, French and Belgian troops took resources from the Rurh area as payment, which influenced the German workers to refuse to work in Ruhr. The workers strike worsened the fall in production. This encouraged Stresemann to call off the passive resistance and he agreed to repay the reperations and persuaded workers to return to work. This led to Stresemann negotiating with the Dawes plan in 1924, where the US loaned Germany 800 million gold marks which Germany used to pay the reperations and end hyper inflation. He also negotiated with the Young plan in 1929 which reduced reperations to the US and the payment period was extended to 59 years. This aided German economic restructuring and the normalisation of diplomatic relations, especially with France. Which softened the burdens of war reperations and stabilised the currency. All of this was proof of Stresemann's 'Political courage'. The foreign policy was Stresemann's greatest achievement. He helped to take Germany out of isolation and regained trust and respect from other countries by adhering to the treaty of Versailles. He also signed the treaty of Locarno in 1925 which was the non-aggression pact between Germany, Belgium,
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