Gatsby's And Nick's Similarity

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Gatsby seems to be, at apperance level, the extreme opposite of Nick's character; however, after their first encounter, it seems that Gatsby and Nick seem to be more alike than they are aware of. They both are characters who have been drawn to the east for their dreams to mark upon reality and they both have similar backgrounds in that they come from lower economic status; even though, Gatsby has created a facade around himself in order to acquire his deepest hopes and dreams. Nick, on the other hand, has not crossed that delusional border between true reality and facade; he seems to be grounded into his own mind-set of being stuck in a lower economic status to which he cant seem to escape; except, maybe, to hang out with the other characters and avoid his own mediocure existance without them. When they first meet, its as though, Gatsby is already aware of Nick and that he is connected to Daisy in some fashion. “ Some time before he introduced himself I'd got a strong impression that he was picking his words with care.” (48). Could it be because of Daisy alone that Gatsby befriend's Nick or is he much more connected to Nick, in the sense, that they are more alike than Nick realizes? It seems to me that Gatsby is much more attune with what he wants and is determined to achieve it through any means possible. As for Nick, its as if, he is so drawn into Gatsby and his personana that he is clouded in judgment because he doesn't see how similar they are. He is blinded by Gatsby's materialism and wealth that his better judgment get lost in the
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