3. The frog we have were dissecting was female, the reason why we knew that it didn’t have enlarged padded thumb. 4. We used an a lab worksheet to help us better identified frog’s external parts, such as Mouth, nictitating membranes, tympani and eyes, 5. We have placed frog on its back, and pinned it with needles, so it would not move around the plate, because of water on it and when we used cutting tools 6.
Case study: population explosion of the Cane Toad The cane toad (Bufo marinus) is the largest member of species originating from the family of Bufonidae. Cane toads are large, stocky amphibians with dry and warty skin. Their skin colour varies between grey, yellowish, olive-brown or reddish brown. Cane toads have distinct bony ridges over the eyes that meet above the nose. This strong species is a voracious predator of insects and other small prey.
However, Lionfish can have negative effects on the overall reef habitat as they can eliminate organisms which serve important ecological roles such as herbivorous fish which keep algae in-check on the reefs. Lionfish usually prefer living in still waters protected from any current, in quieter and darker parts of the reef; they are also known to exist in bays, estuaries and harbors. A female lionfish will release between 4,000 and 30,000 eggs during mating to be fertilized by the male’s sperm. This invasive species is growing and spreading rapidly through the Americas. It is uncertain how the lionfish arrived.
The Spider monkey is the most interesting species of the third grade of primates due to, well keep reading. They originate from rain forest and mountain forest of Central and North America (PIN). These monkeys are named for their long arms, tails and legs. The spider monkey moves through trees with great skill and are able to use their tail as an extra lim. The tail is used in almost every move they make, climbing trees, grasping branches, balancing and even protecting themselves from predators.
The fact that the diamondback is ectothermic or cold blooded, contributes to its diet as this feature means it does not need as much food as warm blooded animals for energy. Another adaptation trait is the diamondback’s behavior during each season. In the winter months it hibernates in underground boroughs, in the summer time, it hides during the day and hunts at night which means it is most active in the spring and fall. The ability to hunt for prey is vital to survival. The diamondback rattlesnake has infrared vision which helps it sense heat from warm-blooded prey as well as sense the danger of other predators.
I suggest using more pill bugs than we used maybe use around 10 pill bugs to come up with more accurate data. This information could be useful to society by understanding why some insects run away when we gently touch them. Or when you drop water on them they immediately go in the other
This is not a minor issue - $1 million won't go very far," he said. "You can now forget about Kakadu. Kakadu is lost, we now have to try and protect areas further west like the Kimberleys." Inhabiting the Kakadu reserve is many rare and protected species and due to the cane toad’s ethnological significance, the voracious eating habits of the animal could result in serious destruction to the environment. The validity of this article is evident and provides an adequate evaluation of the current problem the Kakadu reserve is
As you will soon find out, setting up and maintaining a proper living environment for a leopard gecko is not a great deal of trouble at all. In order to properly set up the housing for a leopard gecko, you will need a decent amount of supplies. The most important item you need to have is a suitable sized aquarium. Anywhere from ten to fifteen gallons will do fine for a single lizard. This will provide the gecko with enough room to run around and be comfortable.
Females who weigh around 230 g are much larger than males who weigh only about 41 g. Females also occupy a brighter tone of red and orange, with a pale undersurface. Because of their unique colour, predators perceive the Tomato Frog as toxic, a beneficial attribute to these frogs. Also, these frogs secrete a white substance from their skin to avert predators. However, this substance can trigger an allergic reaction in humans. Fully grown tomato frogs feed on small invertebrates and when under attack can enlarge themselves, appearing larger in
Although the redshank species are protected and not harvested but it is indirectly affected by harvesting its own food. In this case, we assume redshank depends entirely on shellfish for food other than another food. The amount of food eaten by redshank has an upper limit, even if shellfish are abundant. The redshank is a medium-sized wading bird, species a kind of aquatic bird. It has longish red legs and a long, straight bill.