frog defnece mechanisms

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Frog Defence Mechanisms Research into several frog species has produced evidence that although frog’s possess the same general characteristics, many different species have developed their own unique methods of defence and escaping predation. Some species of frog have discovered that one of the best forms of defence is simply to hide. Many frogs have developed a great number of different disguises to escape the sight of potential predators. For example the Mossy frog (Rana septentrionalis- Fig. 2.7) – is covered in small bumps and spines, (Raxworthy, 2007), which along with it’s brown/green colouration allows it to blend perfectly into it’s mossy surroundings. These frogs can be found in very moist areas which have bountiful areas of thick moss such as “flooded caves and banks of mountain streams”, (Raxworthy, 2007). Several other species of frog also use camouflage as a form of defence. The Pacific Tree Frog (Hyla regilla) has developed the ability to change it’s skin colour. They are able to change in green and brown patterns in only a matter of minutes. Unlike other amphibians and reptiles they do not change colour according to their background colour, instead it is due to temperature and moisture levels, yet it still provides them with a very successful method of camouflage, allowing them to be overlooked by potential predators, (Hill 1998). The Chilean four-eyed frog (Pleurodema thaul) has developed another form of disguise, rather than hiding itself it attempts to warn off predators by pretending it is a much larger organism, and therefore perhaps a potential threat to anything wishing to prey upon it. It achieves this through the aid of a bright pair of spots located on it’s rump. When the frog is seated these spots are not visible, however when threatened it will lower it’s head and lift up it’s rump – displaying the spots. These almost

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