Friction Between Social Classes

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The Outsiders by S.E Hinton is a novel about the 1770 and it talks about the rivalry between two social groups the Socials and the greasers. A theme is the topic or some of the main topics the story is about. A theme is important to a story or a novel because if you don’t have a theme you don’t have a story, books have to have a story or a theme or they will be about nothing. The outsiders is a little bit different to other stories it has more than one theme. I believe that a theme in the book is about friction between social classes. Dividing a country by social classes can create conflicts between the citizens. I chose this statement because I believe it’s true, also because friction between social classes can happen everywhere from fights between a country that has citizens separated in to two groups to a fight between students in a private school and a public school. The books talks about or mentions this theme because there are a lot of fights between the greasers and the socials and because the division between rich people and poor people makes the upper class and the middle class think they are hoods just like when Cherry said to Dallas “I wouldn’t drink it if I was starving in the desert. Get lost, hood!” (Page 22) There are three different social classes, the socials, and the middle class, and the greasers. They are different because the socials are rich and they have no feelings just like when Cherry said “Were sophisticated-cool to the point of not feeling anything.”(Page 38) The middle class do not fight with either group they are friends with the greasers and the socials, but the greaser are poor they know nothing about the outside world they are stuck in their world they work at an early age and take care of themselves . They are broken down to these different groups because of the money Socials are rich enough to by nearly anything but most greasers

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