Freshman Year Satire

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FRESHMAN YEAR Freshman year is going to be a piece of cake. That's what all parents say. Don't believe them! They tell you that so you won't boycott the first day of school...and never return. Take my word for it. Freshman year is tough. And it doesn't help if you also happen to be the new transfer student at a very elite, predominantly white, east coast high school where everyone else is a 'lifer' other words, they've known each other from the time they were 'potty trained' and entered Pre-Kindergarten together. Worst yet, it's really not fun when in addition to being the new kid, you also happen to be one of only seven African-American students in the entire Freshman class. fifteen year old Tiara Johnson.…show more content…
Now, Tiara, her mom and younger brother, Spencer Jr. have just spent their entire summer vacation before the new school year, unpacking boxes and moving into their new home in Washington, D.C. Mom is a criminal attorney. She's also accepted a new position with the prestigious D.C. law firm of McKenzie, Kennedy and McKenzie. Even as they are moving into their new house on Kennedy Street, Mom has already started working on a very high profile criminal case at the firm. Mom is really too bogged down with work to cater to Tiara's insecurities about being a new student...a freshman at Skidmore Prep, one of the preppiest of all prep schools on the east coast. Dad too is just swamped, trying to adjust to his new job. He's also too busy to worry about Tiara and the headaches she’s facing during her Freshman Year. Tiara is on her own. Tiara takes us through the trials and tribulations of being fifteen, a transfer student and one of only seven African-American students at Skidmore Prep. We go through Tiara's pain of not fitting in...her pain in being bullied…her perseverance in finding her place and finally her success in completing her freshman year and finding her niche at Skidmore

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