Forest Gump Essay

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Justin Willis Leeper English Comp II 9:00 M, W, F 11-17-13 Essay #3 Forest Gump “Life is like a box of chocolates, and you never know what you’re going to get”. In the movie Forest Gump directed by Robert Zemeckis tells about a man with an intelligence quotient (I.Q) of 75. The special effects presented in the film where impressive and won the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects. He shows us being different isn’t always a bad thing. Inspired by Jenny, Forest could do anything he set his mind to. Forest was once a young boy that couldn’t walk properly that everyone bullied. That transformed into a star football player, war hero, Ping-Pong champion, shrimp boat captain, millionaire stockholder, and he also ran across the United States. When watching a great movie like Forest Gump there are many things you may not agree with, or that are frowned upon. For instance, when Bubba, Forests best friend, sacrificed his life in the Vietnam War and never gets a chance to follow his dream to be a shrimp boat captain. Then Lt. Dan loosing his legs while at combat and Forest saving his life. This makes Lt. Dan very angry and holds a grudge on Forest because he said it was his destiny to have died and not to be saved. Through the entire movie he is motivated by Jenny and loves her very much. Then years after they stop talking and lose contact she writes a letter to ask him to visit. His story was told to several people waiting at the bus stop. A lady informs him after he says he is going to see Jenny at a specific location that if was only a few blocks away. So he runs to her house. Jenny then tells him he has a child named Forest and she is dying. It is like in the movie Forest sails through life with luck without a clue of how he became that way. The movie is a very inspiring. Forest Gump transforms from a child that never had any friends but one

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