Ford Pinto Business Ethiics Case Study

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Ford Pinto Case Did Ford act unethically in the Pinto case? In my opinion the Ford Motor company not only acted unethically, but their actions can easily be considered criminal. The decision to release the Ford Pinto, and not disclosing the safety issues related to this car, resulted in the death and bodily harm of hundreds of people. Ford knew that the car had serious safety issues if involved in a rear end collision. They discovered this in their own secret car crash experiments conducted by their own engineers. The company went as far as lying to federal investigators about even conducting these tests. Decisions were made that only took into consideration the bottom line of the project, and company. The company waited eight years to correct the design defect that was directly implicated in the deaths of hundreds of its consumers. This in itself was an extremely unethical move by the company management team. They reasoned that these tragic results were acceptable by the same federal safety mandates that the company lobbyist’s fought for. Ford Motor Company knew that the federal government was making moves to introduce stricter safety standards for manufacturing automobiles. Under the leadership of Henry Ford II, the company’s lobbyist group went to work to delay the process, and guide the regulators the way the company saw fit. It was the Ford team that recommended, negotiated, and agreed to make safety related decisions on the basis of a cost-benefit analysis. This analysis conducted by Ford determined that the $11 fix to correct the gas tank problem would not benefit the programs profits. Not doing anything in the long-term would have cost the company less. Apparently at that time Ford felt that the life of a human being was only worth $200,725.00. So why were Ford’s actions unethical? Well I firmly believe that W.D. Ross was correct. He implied that a

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