“for a Romantic Comedy, the Play Offers a Rather Bleak View of Love.” to What Extent Do You Think This Charge Against “Much Ado About Nothing” Has Any Validity?

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The representation of love within “Much Ado about Nothing” is in its finality and basic format is commonly perceived as socially appeasing and harmonious, as outstanding abnormalities are resolved. Although these aforementioned abnormalities are from which the majority of comedic instances are derived from. Stemming from the anarchic characters of Benedick and Beatrice who unlike their conventional counterparts, vilify and harangue the proposed concept of ‘conventional love’ that is preached throughout the piece. The couples themselves in behaviour and innate moral values seem to juxtapose one another, politically correct versus anarchy. Claudio and Hero share a conventionality, and compliant behaviour which contrasts sharply with Benedick's/Beatrice’s independent spirit, jaded opinions about the opposite sex, and their shared eccentric wit. Standard comedic pieces are utilised to address rigid social conventions and present often taboo concepts, that otherwise wouldn’t have been tolerated but within this instance are accepted as a form of social release as they make light of aspects of the society they inhabit. Within this comedic instance Benedick/Beatrice reprise the role of ‘Jesters’(with their self-proclaimed abstinence to marriage “I would not marry”) characters allowed to override social convention and converse with liberty despite their lack of nobility or title as their words are masked by comic delivery. ‘Jester’ is reference to the source of amusement within the king’s court and often the unlikely source of guidance and counsel as he unlike any other can speak freely without trepidation of persecution as because of his station he is not taken seriously. Such as the case with Benedick/Beatrice as their obscene outbursts and not only tolerate but applauded as the audience can because of the context of the piece easily

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