Firefighter Research Paper

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Firefighters protect the public by answering calls to fires and other emergencies. They are normally the first emergency people on the scene of an accident. When not on the scene of an emergency, they work at fire stations; they sleep, eat, and continue to be on call during shifts that sometimes last 24 hours. Firefighters usually enter the profession with a non-degree award in fire knowledge. However, in many jurisdictions the only education needed to become a firefighter is a high school diploma or equivalent. Most firefighters also must pass written and physical tests, complete a series of interviews, and hold an emergency medical technician (EMT) certification. Even though, all firefighters receive extensive training after being hired; the average annual wage of firefighters was $45,250 in May 2010. In Kevin Pearson’s article, he brings to our attention the wages and the circumstances behind the method in which the people who save lives every day are paid. Kevin explains how a federal grant has ended and imminent budget cuts could cause layoffs in a Hemet California Fire Department. Legislation and financial support disputes always affect fire department budgets and operation. Nearly 20 percent of the Hemet Fire Department staff facing layoffs next month could have their jobs saved if the city…show more content…
23, Interim City Manager Mark Orme, told Kevin, the city staff has more research to do before it can give the information to the City Council, because they have the final say. In addition, the city would have to issue layoff notices by Sept. 3 to notify the nine firefighters that they are losing their jobs as of Sept. 20. However, unless there is a special meeting, the council is not likely to discuss the layoffs or approve the union's contract proposal until Sept. 11. He added, the council would need to have every piece of information to make a good decision for this community, Orme said. "This is not something that you guess

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