Filing Medical Care Case Study

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ANSWERS 139 Lesson 8—Filing Medical Records Exercise 1 1. Patient Name First Date of Service; Last Date of Service Patient Name First Date of Service; Last Date of Service Janet Jones, NP 5/1/07 Tristan Tsosie, Est. Pt. 3/18/06; 3/18/06 Wilson Metcalf, Est. Pt. 1/4/07; 3/28/07 Jose Imero, Est. Pt. 1/16/06; 1/16/06 Rhea Davison, Est. Pt. 10/20/06; 2/5/07 Jade Wong, NP 5/1/07 Shaunti Begay, NP 5/1/07 John R. Simmons, NP 5/1/07 Jean Deere, Est. Pt. 9/21/06; 9/24/06 Hu Huang, Est. Pt. 7/15/06; 10/2/06 Renee Anderson, NP 5/1/07 Kevin McKinzie, NP 5/1/07 Teresa Hernandez, NP 5/1/07 Jesus Santo, NP 5/1/07 Louise Parlet, Est. Pt. 6/15/06; 6/15/06…show more content…
b—Colored tabs for the last year seen in office 2. Alphabetic, numeric 3. An alphabetic filing system is the oldest, simplest, and most commonly used system for records in most physician’s offices. The person filing the record must know the correct spelling of the name to use this system. More physical space is needed for each section of the alphabet as the number of files increases. When filing or retrieving records, more time is required because of the greater number of folders involved in the search. The numeric filing system requires an alphabetic cross-reference, which may be pulled up from the office information system. The numeric system allows unlimited expansion without periodic shifting of folders, and shelves are filled evenly. This system provides additional confidentiality for the patient’s chart and saves time in retrieving and refiling records quickly. The medical assistant can check the cross-reference system by typing the patient’s name into the computer, locating the patient’s chart number, and retrieving the paper record from the shelf. Electronic Medical Record systems used in the office may include options that allow both the patient’s demographic information and the patient’s medical records to be accessed from the same software system. 4. The color-coding system uses color to visually narrow the area of search for a specific record. A specific color is selected to identify each color representing a segment of the alphabet. 5. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Conditioning Releasing Indexing and coding Sorting Storing and
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