Fate In Romeo And Juliet

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Former French Military Leader, Napoleon I, outlined the basis of fate, a topic that many people can not wrap their heads around. He once stated, “Our hour is marked and no one can claim a moment of life beyond what fate has predestined” Life is started by being born, and over by dying. We never know exactly when we are born or die. Even though these two import aspects of life are destined to happen, what occurs in between cannot change the outcome. Even important decisions that can change the present will not be able to change what will occur at the end. Trying to change the future put in front of can occur, but not the initial destined death will change. Even characters in popular works suffer through the same situation. In the prominent play…show more content…
Occurring at the beginning of Act IV, Juliet had been forced to marry Paris, a suitor, by her father. Capulet, however, does not know that she is married to Romeo, therefore causing her to sin if married again. She became upset, and ran to Friar Laurence, believing that he could help her. Since no solution the Friar had given her could help her to get back to Romeo, she stated “‘Twixt my extremes and me this bloody knife shall play the umpire” (IV. i. 62-63). Juliet threatened to kill herself believing that it was the only solution to end the problem, not realizing she is mimicking how she will die. She wanted to keep her love for Romeo pure, and the only way to do that was to kill herself and escape reality. Her love for Romeo was filled with violence, showing that they were never meant to be together. Later, the Friar gave her a potion that would put her in a death-like sleep, so she and Romeo could meet and run away together. The time before she killed herself, she kept the idea of killing herself with the knife as a second option in case the potion did not work out. Her holding the knife first expressed that the potion would in fact not work, and she would kill herself. The knife was destined to be how she killed herself. In the final act of the play, Romeo had been banished to Mantua from killing Tybalt. He runs into his old servant Balthasar, who told him that Juliet was dead. Romeo, not knowing that she had actually taken a sleeping potion, can’t believe she died, and states “Is it e’en so?-then I defy you, stars!” (V. i. 24). Romeo believes that fate had set Juliet and him to never be together, so he tried to escape its rule. Even though he believed he is ending his foretold future, he is following his destiny. He made up his mind to kill himself then, but it would not matter
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