Extremophiles Essay

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Extremophiles James Hinshaw Extremophiles are organisms that live in environments that are clearly non livable in a humans perspective. There are many types of Extremophiles that exists today, those including the heat-thriving thermophiles to the cold-living psychrophiles which are just some of the creators that make up an entirely new species of life, the Archae. Before scientists were exposed to this new discovery, many believed there were only two types of life, the Eukaryote, and Bacteria. This was later proven false when Carl. R. Woese took one form of an Extremophile and compared its genetic make up to those of Bacteria. M. Jannaschii, the extremophile used in the experiment, had roughly 44% of its genes similar to that of Bacteria, an astonishing 56% was different from that of the Bacteria. Extromophiles were later considered the third classification of multi-cellular organisms. What does it mean extremophiles live in “extreme” climates? Though this varies in definition, the most drastic forms is perhaps the Pyrolobus Fumarii, a type of thermophile that lives in an environment at a temperature of 105 Degrees Celsius. When this organisms loses its heat, and the environment falls below 90 Degrees Celsius, the thermophile stops growing and multiplying. As the family branch of these many species continues to grow, the many scientists are looking back on the “Archea” to further their understanding of living in the life conditions on earth millions of years ago. Life on earth started with little oxygen and no atmosphere, as well as being increasingly active, as extremophiles share this characteristic of “unlivable conditions” they may be the closest living link to the first form of life. The use of extremophiles is quite small compared to the amount of use we have so far found in many eukaryotes and bacteria. Though there is not many uses, one of the best
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