Explore the Ways Family Conflict Is Presented in Act 3, Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet.

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Romeo and Juliet fall in love, but they come from families which hate each other, and know they will not be allowed to marry. So they marry in secret instead. However, Juliet is then told she must marry Paris, who has been chosen by her parents, who do not know she is already married. She refuses - then agrees because she plans to fake her death and escape to be with Romeo. It is forbidden to marry when you are already married. Honour your father and mother; this is the fifth commandments, the Capulet family are extremely religious and they lead a religious life style, this is evident in the play, in act 3 scene 5. In act 3 scene 5 of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, there is high tension between the Capulet family, Lady Capulet has just announced to Juliet that she is going to be marriage to Paris, Juliet is furious after she receives the news of her arranged marriage as she is already married to Romeo, Juliet is very religious and it is forbidden for her to marry once you are already married. She is doing her best to convince her parents to stop the wedding. ‘Not proud, you have; but thankful, that you have: proud can I never be of what I hate;’ Juliet speaks to her father; she is trying to sound grateful for the marriage but is struggling to do that. She repeatedly uses the adjective ‘proud’, this is effective because she is showing her father a lot of respect for what he has done, this was extremely common in Elizabethan time as children had to show respect for their parents. Juliet uses proud to show that she is happy for the thought of the marriage but she also repeats the word ‘proud’ this makes a deliberate to contrast to when it is used before. Juliet uses a semi colon in the dialog, the effective of this is that it allows Juliet to add more detail to what she is saying to her father, and it helps her to speak in detail, it then permits her to add more

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