Explain Augustine's Theodicy

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A) Explain Augustine’s theodicy (25marks) St Augustine (ad 354-430), both Augustine’s theodicy and his argument concerning evil were both originally based on the bible. Augustine himself had many beliefs, one of his main beliefs was that god had made the world and when making the world he had made it free from flaws. He believed very strongly that god is good, omnipotent and omniscience. As he believed for god to be these things he had a problem which was, if god is good and omnipotent and it was god that created the world why is there evil in the world? He solved this problem by saying that god is responsible for the evil in the world by defining evil as “privation”. By this he means when we use worlds like “evil” and “bad” we are saying that something does not meet our expectations of what it should be like ( by nature). Augustine wrote that evil is not a substance but is in fact an absence of kind feelings. Augustine also said that god can’t be blamed for creating evil himself that occurs in the world. As he said that in fact evil comes from angels and human beings who chose deliberately to deny and disobey what God had taught them, by turning away from him and what he had wished for mankind. Augustine believed that every human being was an offshoot of Adam and hence that every single person in the world is guilty of evil, this is as it was Adam who committed ultimate sin in the Garden of Eden. Augustine believed very strongly that evil should be punished. Therefore it was Augustine’s theodicy that said that natural evil in the world is a fitting punishment for moral wickedness. He strongly believed that evil is solely a result of human rebellion. He also argued God knew this would happen, as it is God who is omniscient. Just as he had previously seen the dispute between the angels which had lead to Satan being removed from the Heaven. Hence, Augustine
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