Examples Of Irony In The Scarlet Letter

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Nathaniel Hawthorne has a very impressive way of using his mastery of irony to portray the truth of the characters in his remarkable novels. The Scarlet Letter, a novel taken place in sixteenth century about a young woman named Hester Prynne who wears an “A” on her chest as punishment for her adulterous actions with the minister of the town, Arthur Dimmesdale. Hawthorne uses the names of characters or their abilities to stand out from their true qualities. Puritans consider the town is what people have built up and the forest is the true goals and standards of the people. In the Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne conveys several different types of irony – not just in the characters but in the symbolism and true meanings as well. There are numerous examples throughout the novel. One example is the rosebush, a plant which stands outside of the prison and is considered the only living thing in society. The rosebush is ironic because it is marked by both the thorn and the color red and it is where Hester is located for a period of punishment of love. One of the most obvious examples of irony is that Dimmesdale is a minister who is highly admired for his sermons but is Hester’s lover. Chillingworth, Hester’s husband, is portrayed as an alchemist whose goal is surprisingly ironic. Chillingworth’s goal was not to…show more content…
Hawthorne describes Pearl as “demon” child. This is ironic because Dimmesdale is considered the devil. In the novel, Hawthorne depicts Hester as a mother who only feels safe and comfortable when her own daughter is asleep. The moment when Chillingworth discovers the mark on Dimmesdale’s chest is considered irony of situation. This moment is ironic because some of the townspeople seem to compare the mark with Hester’s scarlet

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