Examine the Medico-Legal Issues Related to Patients Receiving Radiotherapymedicol

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Examine the medico-legal issues related to patients receiving radiotherapy. Numerous issues regarding medico legal aspects can arise in a radiotherapy environment, affecting both patients and staff. Thus all departmental protocols and rules have to be adhered to. In this essay medico-legal aspect involving a young brain cancer patient of seven will be discussed, such aspects include, Parental rights, Consent and Human Rights Act 1989. The reasons why medico-legal issues arose in this setting was, due to knowing that Mrs Roberts refused for her son to have radiotherapy on the basis, ‘that she feared radiotherapy would reduce her son’s IQ, shorten his life, put him at risk of having strokes and make him infertile; in another news report it states that the main reason that the mother refused treatment was the possibility of not having grandchildren from her only son, we need to consider if this judgement is justifiable, in terms of it being in the best interest of the child, Lowden (2000). Consequently doctors have told the high court that the boy could die without further treatment, thus the boy is given radiotherapy without the mothers consent, therefore breaching Parental Rights and Consent, although the boy’s father agreed to the treatment thus his rights as a father needs to also be considered. Consent is very important, and even more so with regards to minors since typically parent or guardian holds this responsibility. Olson et al (2012), Gillon (1985), propose that consent is to be given after consultation with a medic and only after an informed detail discussion of risks and benefits are made with patient or patient carer when dealing with paediatrics. Therefore the reason why Mrs Roberts refused to consent for her son to have radiotherapy may have been due to her personal perceptions as mentioned previously or as one of the

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