Exaggeration in Dc

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The effect of exaggeration style in Charles Dickens’s “David at Salem House” Exaggeration is a representation of something in an excessive manner and has been a familiar style of famous writers such as Flannery O’Connor, Mark Twain, Paul Bunyan…to show writer’s attitudes toward characters. In “David at Salem House”, , which allows readers clearly see how lonely David Copperfield is in Salem house and his strong endurance with the mistreat of school system. The first aspect Dickens uses to describe his characters is the use of formal vocabulary or use of big words for small things. Dickens chooses words carefully to attract reader’s attention and build characters he intends to show. The evidences appear in each paragraph :The Master and David Copperfield were “surveyed” by a stout man, Copperfield “supposed” the boy were out, the placard was “neatly constructed”, the cruel man “aggravated” his sufferings. The use of formal words increases the contrast between the small child David Copperfield and the whole school system at Salem House. In fact, these verbs are overstated to emphasize the atmosphere in which the little David Copperfield is and the constant feeling of hostility and infertility in protagonist’s mind. Dickens’s use of formal language suggests that at Salem House, where he knows nothing about, everything seems to be strange to him so he puts defense on them. In addition to formal vocabulary, the use of descriptive details is an important technique in the excerpt. Every small detail is used on purpose to increase the success in portraying psychological aspect of the protagonist. Salem House is described as “a square brick building with wings” but with “a bare and unfinished appearance” and “the most forlorn and desolate place” that he had ever been seen. Moreover, the smell is also “strange” and “unwholesome” in the room where
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