Ethical Egoism Essay

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Ethical Egoism is the idea that each person ought to pursue their own self-interest exclusively. The main concept of chapter five is whether Ethical Egoism is a moral theory. Ethical Egoism does in fact contradict some of our deepest moral beliefs. So in regards to this topic the reading makes us consider the idea on whether we have an obligation to help others and what the actual reasons are that we do assist others. A conclusion can be derived from the reading on whether Ethical Egoism is truly a moral theory. Within the reading, along with Ethical Egoism, Psychological Egoism is discussed. Psychological Egoism differs from Ethical Egoism in that it asserts that each person does in fact pursue their own self-interest alone. To support the theory of Psychological Egoism it is stated that altruistic acts of kindness are performed only to produce good feelings about oneself. Another supporting argument of Ethical Egoism is that we always do what we most want to do. Also we do what makes us feel good. In addition, we do things for others to ultimately benefit ourselves. Lastly, it is better to look out for oneself and not interfere with others lives, which sometimes can cause robbery of other’s dignity and self respect. There also are arguments against Ethical Egoism. There is the argument that Ethical Egoism cannot handle conflict of interest. Also that it is logically inconsistent and is unacceptably arbitrary. From all the information provided Ethical Egoism fails as a moral theory. I do not believe every action we take is intended to be self rewarding. For example, saving a drowning child most people would not think of doing it to feel self rewarded, but think quickly to help the child in need then later feel self rewarded. Therefore, their main purpose is to help someone in need not for self- interest. Ethical Egoism also fails as a moral theory because
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