Ethical Dilemmas and Conflict

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Ethical dilemma is a moral situation between two people, where the two parties can debate about what is wrong and what is right. In health and social care, clients, patients, family members and medical staff members has to ensure to provide suitable care for clients who may place themselves or others at risk. Walsh et al (2005:175) Everybody should be treated with respect and in accordance to their cultural and ethical values. Therefore the service users need the support of the health and social care consitition of those people of different values and cultures and abilities. Considering ethical and dilemmas that may arise in a health and social care setting usually have impacted from cultural, ethnical and or religious values for example: Farhia Hassan is a 82 year old muslim woman with African ethnicities. She has been admitted by her daughter that at the time of bringing her in did not specify anything. As the days that Farhia was in hospital passed by she started relizing that no-one in the hospital was aware of the fact that she is muslim and that apart from needing halal food she had to keep up with praying five times a day as she was physically fit to do so. But she had been admitted for having critical dementia. Now when her daughter came to visit at times she would remember to say that she needed to be reminded to pray five times a day, on time, but all her daughter kept saying was these nurses and doctors will not remind you of prayer times as they don’t believe your beliefs. This upset Farhia a lot. Eventually she did tell her nurse and the nurse although having to have to take care of other patients still tried to remind her on time the best she
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