Essay On Reconciliation In Australia

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How much progress has there been in ‘reconciliation’ between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians since the early 1990s? Discuss with reference to one of the following: the question of an apology to, and compensation for, the “stolen generations” of Aboriginal children; a treaty between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians; changes in relation to land rights; or material improvements in the lives of indigenous Australians. The issues between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians in this country have proven to be a very significant problem since Caucasian settlers invaded Australia. Many debates have been argued by various people regarding this topic referring to the rights that Aborigines should or should not obtain. Research…show more content…
This is where people write their thoughts and record personal feelings in “Sorry Books”. Hundreds of thousands of signatures were received. According to this article, “Sorry Day” was an event that occurred annually from the year 1998 to 2004, until it changed its name to National Day of Healing in 2005. This article also discusses about 250,000 people walking across the Sydney Harbour Bridge in conjunction with the Corroboree 2000 Bridge Walk in support of indigenous Australians, organized by the Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation. The objective of this walk was to promote an understanding between indigenous and non-indigenous people and to highlight the lack of apology by the Commonwealth Government to the “stolen generations”. The Bringing Them Home report also made a huge impact on Australian culture, especially film (“Sorry day and the stolen generations”, 2008). The film ‘Rabbit-Proof Fence’, a true story about Molly Craig and her sisters’ escape after being forcibly removed from their home became widely

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