Essay On Person Centred Care

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What is person-centred care? Person-centred care is a way of providing care that is centred around the person, and not just their health or care needs. To explain this in simple terms, we are all individual, no two people are the same so it is not appropriate to say that because two people have dementia that they both have the same care and support needs. Person- centred values ensures a comprehensive understanding of individual needs and the development of appropriate individual care plans for all individuals. Person centred values covers the total care of the person. To begin with the person is the centre of the plan i.e. to be consulted and their views always to come first. It should include all aspects of care both Social Services,…show more content…
There is a danger that efforts to develop person centred planning simply focus on having better meetings. Any planning without implementation leaves people feeling frustrated and cynical, which is often worse than not planning at all. Very often you will only be caring for and supporting people when they are in a vulnerable position. The quality of care that you can provide will be improved if you have knowledge of the whole person, not just the current circumstances: knowledge can help us for example to understand better why people behave in the way they do. A care plan, based on a person centred approach, will help in understanding some of this, but what else might help? Person centred planning, then, demands that you see the person whom you are supporting as the central concern. It means that we need to find ways to make care and support individual, not ‘one size fits all’. It means that the relationship moves from being one of carer and cared for towards one based on a partnership: you become a resource to the person who needs
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