Essay On Lake Huron

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For many decades, water pollution has been a major environmental issue. "Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies and occurs when pollutants are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate treatment to remove harmful compounds" (Wales). Lake Huron, which is known as the third largest of the lakes by volume of Great Lakes, (Lakes Huron) water quality has been of major concern. Few major sources identified were faulty septic systems and agriculture. Some of the effects caused by the pollution included: disruption of aquatic life, elevated levels of nitrates and phosphates from polluted underground water, swimming prevention, and numerous outbreaks of Avian Botulism. Since 2009, Predecessors of the Lake Huron…show more content…
Another leading cause of pollution in Lake Huron is air pollution. Past environmental studies have shown over three million kilograms of carcinogens polluting the air (Statistics 2003). Currently studies show the working group in Lake Huron have clean up day to help promote clean air (Statistics 2009). Other contributing causes to the pollution in Lake Huron are fertilizers which have caused major algae blooms, causing an imbalance in nutrients, a collapse in the salmon fishery, and chemicals from pesticides. Fish stocks have significantly declined due to the increased pollutants (Harvey…show more content…
The working group in Lake Huron have invested over $500K in their project to help clean up the pollution (Lakes Huron). Research states, "salmon have all but disappeared from Lake Huron, and so have the anglers who spent tens of millions of dollars annually chasing them" (Sentinel). The Environmental Protection Agency have also devoted billions of dollars due to the pollution. In 2003, " Michigan's 10 busiest ports on Lake Huron saw about 1.2 million recreational fishing hours, according to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Last year, that number dropped to approximately 300,000- a decline of 75 percent"

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