Essay On Affordable Health Care

1417 Words6 Pages
Today, it is estimated that over 45 million Americans lack health insurance. Of those uninsured, over eighty percent are working, middle class families. The rising costs of healthcare has caused many American’s to just simply “do without”, and employers are struggling to provide adequate coverage for employees. Of those employers who are able to provide insurance, many of the plans cover only a small number of doctors visits’ a year, and fractional percentages of total prescription costs. It is no secret that the United States has a flawed health care system that needs to be changed drastically. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act allows for affordable and easily accessible health care coverage for all American’s while building off of our current insurance system. Looking at the key provisions in the new federal law, it is apparent that the expansion and accessibility for all Americans to obtain affordable health care is priority. In order to simplify the purchasing of…show more content…
Supreme Court. In the 1942 case of Wickard v. Filburn, the Supreme Court recognized the ability of the government to regulate economic activity. Roscoe Filburn, a farmer of during the Great Depression was growing more wheat than the limits permitted. Although Filburn stated that the excess growth was not for selling, the Supreme Court decided that because that Filburn’s wheat growth would directly impact the amount of wheat he would buy on the nationally open market, his production was affecting interstate commerce and thus could be regulated by the federal government. One might ask why single individual growing wheat for personal use would have any impact on interstate commerce on a national level, but the point is the fact that while one person acting in this manner may be insignificant, but by the thousands, this becomes a larger problem that affects the nation as a

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