Epithelial Tissue Essay

515 Words3 Pages
Introduction: The human body has many cells and tissues. In this report, Epithelial Tissue will be examined for what it is, how they functions in a human body, and what role they do in the organs. Description: Epithelial Tissues are one of the four major tissues in a human body. There are many types of Epithelial Tissue; there is the Squamous, Cuboidal, Columnar, and the Glandular Epithelium. There are two main types of this tissue one is the simple epithelium and the other is the stratified epithelium. Simple Squamous Epithelium contains only one thin layer, while the Stratified Epithelium has a thick layer. Simple Squamous Epithelium is usually located at the center; the cell membrane is thin, which is filled with cytoplasm. Stratified Epithelium has several layers of cells in it. Diagrams: see page -5- Function: Since there are many types of Epithelial Tissues, they all have different functioning and purposes for each specific one. Epithelium provides protection to protect the tissue from injuries. It can also filter, absorb, and diffuse many kinds’ substances. The function of absorb is used for absorbing the nutrients from the digestion of the food that comes from a humans mouth. When a Simple Squamous Epithelium diffuses substances it means it diffuses because the Epithelial Tissue is very thin. Importance: Epithelial Tissue is important in a human body. They are to form the covering of the inside and the outside of a human body. The epithelium is very sensitive to many threats they will have. When Epithelial Tissues are arranged in one layer, it is called simple epithelium. If Epithelial Tissues has more than one layer, they are called stratified epithelium and if they have only one layer they are called simple epithelium. Composition: The human body is composed of Epithelial Tissue; it also lines your body cavities and major

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