Ensure the Health & Safety of Children

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Ensure the health and safety of children Written Assignment 1 1. List the cleaning tasks that are carried out daily within the centre. Bathrooms: Wash tap handles, toilet seats, toilet handles and door knobs. Check the bathroom during The day and clean if obviously soiled. Toys and objects put in the mouth. A different section of room can also be cleaned and disinfected on A daily basis, so that whole room is covered by end of week. Surfaces the children have frequent contact with, for e.g. tables, taps, cots and bench tops. Mattress covers and linen, if each child does not use the same mattress cover every day. Door knobs Floors The above should be washed/cleaned daily plus when visibly soiled 2. List the cleaning agents that are used. 3. When using cleaning materials it is important not to use the same cleaning material for separate tasks, such as wiping tables after food and wiping tables after craft activities. How does the centre ensure this does not happen? Cleaning type To clean Use Paper towel  Mealtime tables  Bathroom  Small floor spills  Nappy change  Children’s beds  Throw out after single use  Ensure table/mat/bed etc is dry after being cleaned 4. When are educators required to wash their hands? - On arrival at the centre. - Before and after eating or handling food. - Before preparing or cooking food. - After changing a nappy, or checking a nappy to see if it soiled. - After going to the toilet. - After cleaning up or contact with urine, faeces, vomit, blood or other bodily fluids. - After giving first aid or cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). - After wiping nose or contact with nasal or salivary secretions. - Before and after giving a child medication. 5. Providing a safe and healthy environment for children to

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