English Composition I - Descriptive Paragraph

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Course Number and Title EN120.2.1 English Composition I Assignment Number and Title Assignment 02 Descriptive paragraph “A public place” My six year old daughter’s classroom is a pleasant, inviting, colorful and living place, where students feel at home. This 1st grade classroom is located on the first floor of the new building of the International School of Chonburi in Thailand. When you enter the room, you are impressed with its enormous brightness. Natural daylight passes into the room through large, low-placed windows that cover the entire east wall and two-thirds of the long south wall of this oblong room. Flowers and plants along the window sills add color and freshness. Students’ works enliven the walls and boards. The classroom is arranged with young people in mind. Along the entrance wall there are colorful open personal cubicles labeled with each child’s name. The striped rug next to these spaces allows them to sit on the floor while attending to their school-bags. The left half of the room is furnished with natural wooden desks and chairs; their shapes and sizes are designed to meet the needs of 6-7 year old kids. Two groups of six desks are set-up in a pod format, because small group layouts enhance students’ collaboration and material use. Between two groups of tables, a low, colorful, stand-alone shelf is arranged enabling pupils to find and select the materials they wish to work with. More of these shelves can be found throughout the room. Labeled, colored baskets on top of the shelves contain students’ workbooks. The classroom library is located on the right-hand side of the room. Age-appropriate books are displayed on a large, low, colorful bookcase under the window. The entire library area is carpeted in beige; furthermore, the children can use colored pillows to sit and read, or face a whiteboard placed on the adjacent

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