Emma and Clueless Speech

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Good afternoon/ Good morning class and teachers. In this speech I will explore the ways that the director, Amy Heckerling has transformed and re-contextualised Jane Austen’s popular novel ‘Emma’ into the satirical, humourous, parody film, ‘Clueless’. Storylines are often familiar in terms of plot, theme and purpose across many cultures and eras. There are common themes and plots that are used again and again within texts. While particular characteristics vary, the essence of the narratives are frequently simply reworked and adapted to suit different needs, times, circumstances, values and locations. It is within this transformation presented new ideas and values are presented. Emma was written in 1815 whilst Clueless was released in 1995. Through comparison of the themes marriage, social status and self realization in each text, a greater insight can be gained of these contexts, values and ideas they portray. In the opening chapters of the novel Emma's world, values and codes of behaviour are clearly prescribed. Hartfield society is described as privileged and hierarchical containing values that reinforce the differences of rank. Because society is not merely a setting but an integral part of the novel, the social forms are of particular significance. Austen therefore give the reader details of everyday rituals such as tea, dinner, card parties, picnics and balls. The story is told through Emma's perspective as she takes on the role of omniscient narrator and guides the reader by her occasional intrusive statements and authorial comments and her self-deception generates amusement and sympathy rather than laughter. From the beginning she establishes an analytical slightly moralizing tone, “The real evils indeed on Emma’s situation were the power of having rather too much of her own way, and a disposition to think to well of herself.” The Opening
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