Elephant Disease Essay

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Disease Research Short Paper [pic]Disease Topic : elephant disease. Etiology it is caused by parasitic worms invading the body's lymphatic system - the network of vessels carrying infection-fighting cells. The worm is spread by mosquitoes, who pass it on when they take blood from humans. The bacteria-containing worms lodge in the lymphatic system, producing millions of minute larvae which spread throughout the bloodstream. It is unclear whether the swelling, or lymphoedema, that occurs results from the obstruction of the lymphatic vessels or from the response of the body's immune system to the worms and the bacteria within them. Secondary bacterial infections, resulting from long-term damage of lymphatic vessels caused by the adult worms, could also play a role. Involving Organs Thickening of the skin and underlying tissues, especially in the legs and male genitals. In some cases the disease can cause certain body parts, such as the scrotum, to swell to the size of a softball or basketball. It is caused by filariasis or podoconiosis. Sign & Symptoms • NINDS states that sometimes the earliest symptoms are unusual skin growths, but people can feel varying symptoms because tumors too small to see are pressing down on nerves. These tumors can cause symptoms such as tinnitus, which is the perception of sound in the ears or head; vision problems; balance problems; numbness on the face; and headaches. Symptoms NF-1 • According to Neurofibromatosis, Inc., symptoms of NF-1 include at least six coffee-colored spots at least 1.5 cm long in adults (0.5 cm in children), freckling in the groin or armpits, two or more large skin growths called neurofibromas, a tumor around or inside one eye or both eyes (especially in the iris), a bony growth, or other growing deformities of the skeleton. Symptoms NF-2 • Symptoms of NF-2 vary widely for each

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