Electoral Support Of Nazi's

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To what extent was the increase in electoral support for the Nazi party in the years 1928-33 the result of effective propaganda and electioneering? By 1932 the Nazi Party was one of the fastest growing parties in Germany, gaining support from many different groups. But how did the Nazi’s go from go from looking so bleak when Hitler left prison in 1924 to Hitler being appointed chancellor 7 years later? From obscurity to total power? When Hitler left prison the party was in disarray, the membership was in decline and the atmosphere was bleak. However Hitler decided that he should take a big step to reorganize the Nazi Party. By 1928 the structure was effectively organized, the membership had increased and Histlers leadership was authoritative and secure despite the ongoing challenge from Strasser. Even though they still had a disappointing election results, this period of time helped build a long term stategy as the structure was reorganized and the party was no national. The Nazi’s were not in a position to manage an electoral support. Then at the perfect time for the Nazi’s, the Wall Street Crash came in 1929. This compounded existing weaknesses in the economy. The loans and investments dried up and this was quickly followed by demands for the repayment of those short-term loans. The crisis also caused a decline in exports and productions as the demand for exports collapsed and the world trade slumped for Germany. This also concluded in huge unemployment and lowering wages. The result of the German industry was they could no longer pay it’s way. Without over sea’s loads and with its export trade falling bankruptcies increased dramatically. This couldn’t have come at a better time for the Nazi’s as because of this crisis the decline in support of the Weimar Republic decreased with the lack of confidence and underlying economic problems within Germany, he
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