Edexcel Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services. Unit 1: Use and Develope Systems That Promote Communication

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David Francis Edexcel Level 5 Diploma in Leadership for Health and Social Care and Children and Young People’s Services. Unit 1: Use and Develope Systems that Promote Communication SHC 51 1.1.1 Review the range of groups and individuals whose communication needs must be addressed. 1. Service Users: adults with learning disabilities, adults with autism, adults with mental health problems, young people moving on from children’s residential services with additional support needs, people with a dual diagnosis of substance misuse issues and learning disability or mental health issue. 2. Staff Team; support workers, managers, directors of the company, administrative, cleaning and maintenance workers. 3. Other professionals: Community Mental Health Workers; Community Psychiatric Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, Psychiatrists, Psychologists; GPs, specialist health professionals in diabetes/asthma etc. Substance Misuse Workers, Pharmacists, Police, Paramedics. Workers in day centres, supported employment and colleges. 4. Commissioning/Regulatory: Care Quality Commission, East Sussex CC Quality Inspectors, Commissioning Authority Officers and Inspectors, Food Hygiene Inspectors. 5. Family and friends of service users. 6. Neighbours and other members of the community. Local shops, bars and cafes. 1.1 Explain how to support effective communication within own job role. 1. Team Handover. The most important means of communication within the team is the daily handover. This ensures that information is passed on from workers going off duty to workers coming on duty. Without this important information regarding appointments, health and wellbeing of clients, maintenance and health and safety of the premises, moods of clients, potential areas of concern etc. While we have written communication forms, systems and

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