Economic Integration: Custom Union and Single Market's Source of Gain

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Module: Economic integration Student ID: 41820611 Economic integration has attracted increasing attention since the early post-war period. There have always been topical debates about whether regional economic groups like the EU would be superior to worldwide liberalization. Given a decision to go for regionalism, sources of economic gain from such integration and how the EU customs union and the Single Market attempted to achieve them need to be examined. This essay addresses three main sources of benefits, namely specialization, competitiveness and economies of scale. Economic integration is the elimination of economic frontiers between two or more economies. In turn, an economic frontier is “any demarcation over which actual and potential mobilities of goods, services and production factors, as well as communication flows, are relatively low” [1]. Free trade has always been key to integration, whether regional or global, hence, the main driving force behind economic integration in Europe is the free movement of goods and services [2]. The Treaty of Rome obliged European Economic Community member states to establish a customs union (CU) in 1958 for the Six, i.e. the six countries which had formed the European Coal and Steel Community in 1951. A CU is a group of countries eliminating tariffs and quotas and unifying their national tariffs into a common external tariff for trade with third-party countries [3]. Nevertheless, the so-called free trade was distorted by many invisible trade barriers, such as border control, national technical standards for goods and bureaucracy, to name but a few. The Single European Act (1986) removed those barriers to certain extents, in effect, a Single European Market, or Single Market (SM) was established, which involved the free movement of goods, services, capital and labour, or the “four freedoms”.

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