Drugs in Sport

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Nicholas Leong Drugs in Sports: A Case Study Ben Johnson Research a high profile drugs in sport case and provide a (half page maximum) brief summary of the case. The Jamaican-born Johnson had blown away American rival Carl Lewis in the 100-meter final at the 1988 Summer Olympic Games in Seoul, using an amazingly powerful start to post a time of 9.79 seconds, besting his own world record by .04 seconds, and was being hailed in Canada as a conquering hero after winning the most highly anticipated race in track-and-field history. Two days later, it all came crashing down on Johnson and became the most stunning moment in Olympic history, at least in my lifetime. Johnson had tested positive for a banned steroid and the International Olympic Committee stripped Johnson of his gold medal and awarded it to Lewis, who had finished second in an American-record 9.92 seconds. What was the major drug involved and why was on the banned list for this sport. Name two perceived benefits and two side effects of this drug. Anabolic steroids, the body produces testosterone predominantly in the testes in the male, and adrenal glands in the female. During puberty the testes (20 or 40 fold increase compared to early childhood levels) release testosterone. This hormone is largely responsible for the changes in muscle, bone structure and density. Benefits: Increase of muscle mass and more power. Side Effects: cancer of the liver, prostate, kidney, high blood pressure. How was the athlete detected? What testing would this athlete have been subject to? Explain in detail. They would be hand-pick after a few weeks of research, then they would be called out at any time of the day and the must take the test. They would want a fresh sample of urine from athlete, a staff form “WADA” will watch them urinate, they they’ll take a blood sample.a Give two reasons why you
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