Does Globalisation Produce Global Inequalities Within and Between Countries?

2599 Words11 Pages
Does globalisation produce global inequalities within and between countries? Word Count (excluding bracketed citations): 2,190 Introduction From a Marxist perspective, globalisation produces inequality, through the ‘new imperialism’ of powerful and developed nations. This essay will argue, from a neoclassical perspective, using the work of Adam Smith, that if inequalities do exist, they are as a result of either market distortions, caused by interventions by the politically powerful, or as a result of other, separate, factors. Therefore, purely economic globalisation leading to a global free market, promotes growth and equality, while interventions from firms, governments and institutions based on power and politics distorts the market and creates inequality. Economic globalisation can be defined as the integration of a nation’s markets with those of other nations across the globe. It can be characterized by; a nation’s economies accepting goods, businesses, capital, services and markets from other nations, the movement and operation of firms, corporations and capital on a transnational scale and the process of integrating diverse spaces and distances through economic exchanges, commodity chains, communication flows and production systems (Mishkin 2006:1-2, Tonkiss 2006:4). Tonkiss (2006) argues that globalisation is facilitated and fostered by innovation in technology and the growing reach of transnational corporations (hereafter referred to as TNC’s). Innovation in information and communication technology, transport and production technologies, has allowed the barriers of time and space to be condensed. This provides businesses with the opportunity to operate on a more global scale (Tonkiss 2006: 5). Theoretical Framework Adam Smith in ‘The Wealth of Nations’ (1961) underlines the importance of leaving markets to regulate themselves. Smith argues,

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