Do Celebs Make Bad Role Models

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Do celebrities make bad role models? I think yes. But some people disagree because, don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of good celebrities out there, but there are also a lot of bad ones too. Celebrities are affected by the attention and end up doing inappropriate things like Brittany Spears with her family issues and shaving her head. They end up doing drugs, and look bad in front of paparazzi with all their schemes and comments. There are many examples, like Lindsay Lohan with family and health issues. Don’t you think that many celebrities think that they can get away with anything that they want because they are famous? But really they are getting criticized more because people are watching their every move. Celebrities think that people will go along with them on anything no matter how crazy it is because they are the people to follow like Paris Hilton because she thinks that she is all that. The truth is that we are obsessed with celebrities. Everywhere you go, celebrities are being advertised. When your son or daughter hears a new singer or sees a new actor on their favourite t.v show, they want to be just like them. Sometimes that is not a good thing. You think to yourself why do people look up to those celebrities? Well it seems to me most celebrities get into these habits because they are too involved in fame and fortune. These people aren’t the ones you would want your children looking up to. Most magazines have pictures of airbrushed celebrities and when teenagers look at these they start believing that looking like celebrities is the only way to be popular and loved. Instead of putting photo shopped pictures in magazines they should put the real photo unedited. Then teenagers will realize that people will like them without them looking like celebrities. When girls look at people like Selena Gomez and Taylor swift, they see super skinny girls that
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