Djiboutian Family Case Study

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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Djiboutian family averages six or seven children. A marriage is considered a union of two families as well as two individuals. Divorce is an accepted and common part of the culture. Muslim men traditionally can marry as many as four women. Each wife raises her own children, and her household has a specific task, such as farming or tending livestock. Polygyny (husband having more than one wife) is common among the Somali people, but Afar men usually have only one wife. Among the Afar, girls were traditionally eligible for marriage when they turned ten. 9. Apart from the traditional herding done by the nomads in rural areas, work is concentrated in the city of Djibouti. Major employers there include the food and beverage industry, shipping, construction, and shipbuilding, as well as the national railway. There…show more content…
In 2004 there were an estimated 13 physicians, 2 dentists, 65 nurses, and 2 pharmacists per 100,000 people. They are working to improve health care 12. There are not many schools so students have to work hard to stay in. there is strict discipline and a 6 day week usually from 7 am to 1 pm. They only focus on the core classes; there are not art or P.E. type courses. 13. Local Muslim saints' days associated with the Afar and the Issa are popular. Among the Somalis, various groups have their own observances, such as the Prophet Muhammad's birthday. In Djibouti, most city and town residents attend Friday prayer at their mosque. 14. The Afar have a traditional type of dance, called jenile , that is associated with their ancient religion. The Somali have a respected tradition of oral poetry and song. Their poetry makes heavy use of alliteration, the repetition of various sounds. The visual arts of the Somalis have been strongly influenced by Islam, which does not allow humans or animals to be represented in artwork. Popular art images are flowers and imaginary

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