Displacement Of Aggression

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Displacement of Aggression Aggression is a normal aspect of human behavior but if exhibited in excess or in an abnormal manner, it can be indication of psychological disturbance. Interestingly aggression may not always be demonstrated towards the source of frustration or insult; sometimes it can be directed at an innocent target. This is when aggression is called displaced aggression. Displaced Aggression: Discussion If a colleague recently lashed out at you when all you did was make a humble request, then you have just witnessed an episode of displaced aggression. Myers (2005), explains, “Displacement is the redirection of aggression to a target other than the source of frustration. Generally, the new target is a safer or more socially acceptable target.” (p. 386). It is difficult to understand why people intentionally cause harm to others; however, it is even more complex to comprehend why an innocent third person would be targeted to express frustration. Several theories have emerged on the subject and they give us better insight into the psychology of displaced aggression. Conventional psychology suggested that displaced aggression was closely connected with low-self esteem. However since the breakthrough study by Baumeister (1996), conventional wisdom has given way to a startling revelation, i.e. people with high ego are more likely to engage in displaced aggressive behavior than people with lower self esteem. Displaced aggression can be found in numerous cases and in varied situations. It is often observed in the behavior of the victim who transfers his own aggression and frustration to the next link on the chain. For example a person who has had a bad day at work, may act aggressively towards his wife, an abused wife may in turn lash out at her children and so on. Regardless of how researchers have studied the subject, one thing is common: displaced

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