Discuss the Criticism Levelled at Athenian Politics by the Ancient Greek Playwright Aristophanes, Through His Plays.

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Discuss the criticism levelled at Athenian politics by the ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes, through his plays. The Ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes, criticizes Athenian politics of 426 - 422 BC through his three political satires: The Babylonians; The Knights and The Wasps. The Babylonians openly criticizes the political leader Cleon, The Wasps exploits the injustice of the Athenian jury system whilst The Knights pokes fun at the popular opinion of the infatuated public who were blind to Cleon’s manipulation of the court. "...he uses an absolutely unrestrained freedom of political satire" Through these plays Aristophanes criticizes the three main aspects of politics: the leader; the court and the people. The Babylonians is seen as the play which 'opens' the war against Cleon because it is the first political satire written by Aristophanes. Even though only fragments of the play remain, we know that The Babylonians centers on the criticism of Cleon due to remarks from ancient scholars including Dicaeopolis. Cleon was the Athenian statesman during the Peloponnesian War, who was strongly opposed by Aristophanes as he viewed Cleon as a warmonger and a demagogue. (Here it must be noted that contrary to Aristophanes view of Cleon many modern historian have the view that Cleon “… was a more wiser and more intelligent statesman, with a better reputation and a more just entitlement to fame and honour, than our principal authorities lead us to suppose.”) Knowledge of the context of the play, the opposing views between Aristophanes and Cleon (not to mention understanding that the most effective and appropriate way for Aristophanes to denounce Cleon was to write a satirical play) makes it obvious as to why Aristophanes has written a play to denounce Cleon. However due to only minimal fragments remaining of the original play, one cannot know exactly what
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