Discuss South Africa’s Apartheid Policy of 1948

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Tanya Bales AC1200472 GE350- World Geography Writing Assessment_6_06 “Discuss South Africa’s apartheid policy of 1948” March 1, 2012 Apartheid is an African word meaning "separateness" - it was a legal system whereby people were classified into racial groups - White, Black, Indian and Colored; and separate geographic areas were demarcated for each racial group. Apartheid laws were part of South Africa's legal framework from 1948 to 1994. The apartheid policy of 1948 institutionalized racial discrimination. Race laws covered every aspect of social life, including a prohibition of marriage between non-whites and whites, and the sanctioning of ``white-only'' jobs. The Apartheid policy was initiated in 1948 by Dr. D.F. Malan. He led the National Party in the first campaign that centered on openly racist appeals to white unity and promised that if elected it would make permanent these reserves under the joint fundamental principles of separation and trusteeship (Evans, 2011). The National Party swept into office. In 1950, the Population Registration Act required that all South Africans be racially classified into one of three categories: white, black, or colored (The History of Apartheid in South Africa). The Department of Home Affairs was responsible for the classification of the citizens. Non-compliance with the apartheid policies were dealt with harshly. All blacks were required to carry ``pass books'' containing fingerprints, photo and information on access to non-black areas. This Act was later modified in 1952, by issuing “reference books” instead of identification passes. Anyone caught without their “reference book” was fined or imprisoned (Evans, 2011). Also in 1950 came The Group Areas Act which marked off areas of land for different racial groups, and made it illegal for people to live in any but their designated areas. Thousands of Africans were
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